Elliot says...

Why shouldn't a seven-year-old have a blog? A father poses questions and a son answers directly, honestly, and candidly with the directness, honesty, and candor that only a seven-year-old can bring. Dictated and moderated by AmsterdamAsp , these are the words of Elliot himself: simple and complex observations of the world from the mind of a six-year-old...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Story of Star Wars, According to Elliot

Once upon a time there was a spaceship. r2d2 and c3po were in the spaceship. Darth Vader told the stormtroopers to surround them. The stormtroopers blasted in. They almost won. Two got out: R2D2 and C3PO.

They went out to a dry land. C3PO said "Let's go this way." R2D2 said "Let's go this way." They split apart. R2D2 went out to a cave. There were little monsters who captured robots; they brought R2D2 to a transporter.

C3PO said, "There's a transporter!" He found R2D2 back. They also found Luke. And Ben Kenobi.

They went to Luke's house. They got a message from Princess Leia. She needed Ben Kenobi.

Luke said, "Why did my father die?"

Ben Kenobi said, "Your father was a Jedi knight."

Luke said, "I want to be a Jedi knight." Just then someone called him. His aunt and his uncle. Ben Kenobi showed Luke something: a speeder. Luke went to a different place. It was very dry. There were bad guys. One had a big thing that hits you. C3PO broke one arm. Luke fell over. Just then, Ben Kenobi showed up.

Ben Kenobi showed Luke a different thing -- two different things -- a light saber and a Jedi helmet. They went with a speeder to where Darth Vader was. They said to the stormtroopers, "Just go along with your work." The speeder repeated it, "Just go along with your work."

Next they went to a restaurant where they met two other people: one person and one wookie. Han Solo and Chewbacca the Wookie. The stormtroopers tried to shoot them. Luckily, Han Solo had a space-fighter. They went out to space. They fought ships -- space-ships. Finally they won.


Blogger Julia Pickerill said...

Elliot, I am very glad that you told the story of star wars on your blog. I checked in case you might have posted some art. But really, I think the story was a good idea. Honestly, I'd forgotten a lot of it so your rendition was very helpful.

Thanks again for coming to Lucas' party on Friday night. I hope you remember to only eat 1/2 piece of candy every month, okay? Lucas is sleeping, but if he were awake I'm sure he'd want me to tell you hi!
-Lucas' mom

Blogger Will said...

That is a really great summary of star wars Elliot! A New Hope was one of the first movies I ever watched, when I was your age. My best friend and I would watch it every week and then go reenact the movie in his bedroom. I always played Han Solo, and he always played Luke, and his little sister was always Lea. Thanks for bringing back the memories and keep watching. That movie gets better every time you see it.


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