Elliot says...

Why shouldn't a seven-year-old have a blog? A father poses questions and a son answers directly, honestly, and candidly with the directness, honesty, and candor that only a seven-year-old can bring. Dictated and moderated by AmsterdamAsp , these are the words of Elliot himself: simple and complex observations of the world from the mind of a six-year-old...

Friday, March 31, 2006

What would you like to write about?

I want Mommy. I don't want to stay here. But I'm still sad because Mommy left. And I wanted to go with her, but I don't. I like being with her better. I want to be with her. I want to go with Mommy instead of staying here. But I can't just do this. I have to go. I want to go see Lindy and Amelie. I wish I could. I want to go to Lindy and Amelie's house a different day -- instead of Olivia. She can stay here. But I wish I could go today.

[written moments after Mommy and Olivia left for a baby gymnastics class with Lindy and Amelie Watkins... Daddy thought it might be a good idea to try a distraction technique, with dictating something for the new blog instead of merely pining for Mommy and Olivia, but Elliot's mind was definitely a bit preoccupied.]

Elliot in profile...