Elliot says...

Why shouldn't a seven-year-old have a blog? A father poses questions and a son answers directly, honestly, and candidly with the directness, honesty, and candor that only a seven-year-old can bring. Dictated and moderated by AmsterdamAsp , these are the words of Elliot himself: simple and complex observations of the world from the mind of a six-year-old...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why did you want me to write down these songs for you?

For Mommy. Because then she can sing the song to Cor because he's special.

[So without further ado, here are Elliot's self-composed songs for Cor:]

The Special Song

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have a little mouth.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have two little eyes.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have a little nose.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have little belly.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have little hands and fingers.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have two little legs...
and feet...and a little back.

You are special.
You are special.
You are special.
You are special.

And You are special.
You are special,
even though you have a little back of your head.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have a little forehead.

You are special.
You are special,
even though you have a little neck.


The Comfy Song

You are comfy.
You are comfy.
So you go to bed.

Comfy, comfy, comfy.