Elliot says...

Why shouldn't a seven-year-old have a blog? A father poses questions and a son answers directly, honestly, and candidly with the directness, honesty, and candor that only a seven-year-old can bring. Dictated and moderated by AmsterdamAsp , these are the words of Elliot himself: simple and complex observations of the world from the mind of a six-year-old...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

What was your favorite thing about visiting Budapest?

[Elliot has not posted anything for the last week because our family had been visiting Hungary, for a missions conference. But to commemorate the traveling adventures, Elliot was asked about his favorite aspects of the trip... You might be surprised by the response...]

[His favorite thing was not the immense medieval castle]

[Not the huge lion statues]

[Not the mysterious underground Labyrinth caves]

[Not the fascinating architecture]

My favorite was the Popper [a small wooden toy that was bought for the equivalent of about two euros in one of the markets of downtown Budapest]! I like that it pops. I think it's cool and it's really good. And it also has a big stick, and it pops down. The thing comes down in, and it goes, "Pop! Pop! Pop!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elliot, Your popper is really cool!!! I like the colors on it. Maybe someday you can show me how it "pops"!!
I had a lot of fun with you in Budapest.
I Love you,

Blogger Eric said...

I think that's cool. And I also have something else that I can show to you, too, someday. And thank you for the egg that I got!


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