Elliot says...

Why shouldn't a seven-year-old have a blog? A father poses questions and a son answers directly, honestly, and candidly with the directness, honesty, and candor that only a seven-year-old can bring. Dictated and moderated by AmsterdamAsp , these are the words of Elliot himself: simple and complex observations of the world from the mind of a six-year-old...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What are six random things about your six-year-old life?

[The following is a list of random thoughts which Elliot provided as a response to being tagged by our friend Marco Pauws, according to the following "rules" of a kind of blogging chain letter: (1) Post the rules on your blog, (2) Write 6 random things about yourself, (3) Tag 6 people at the end of your post, and (4) If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag].

  • I saw the Sear's Tower.
  • And I saw a sunset.
  • I did a little bit of sewing (here in the Netherlands): Pants. For Monkey.
  • I rode on the street with my bike.
  • I saw kitties -- the ones at Oma's house in America.
  • Once upon a time there was an alien. And he went out to the forest [Elliot took over the typing at this point] he wennt two a bush he sed wut a nise bush but he fel in hte bush the end

[No response was given to the question of further tagging and such. Sorry for whatever pain and heartache that might cause whomever chose to initiate the blogging chain letter challenge!]