Elliot says...

Why shouldn't a seven-year-old have a blog? A father poses questions and a son answers directly, honestly, and candidly with the directness, honesty, and candor that only a seven-year-old can bring. Dictated and moderated by AmsterdamAsp , these are the words of Elliot himself: simple and complex observations of the world from the mind of a six-year-old...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What was Politiedag?

We went to a politie [Dutch for "police"] thing -- a thing that there was pretend polities there. But actually they were real ones. They were real.

But I was afraid. Because some black guys get taken by the polities. And I was wearing black. But they didn't take me away, because I have a soccer shirt. But those bad guys were not wearing it. But I was not a bad guy.

We saw Wieke -- Timo's mommy [Timo is a classmate of Elliot's, whose mother works for the police department and thus invited us to visit the event]. She gave me this pen, and I got to talk on the microphone inside the bus [Wieke works as a dispatcher for the police, so Elliot got to see how it works to receive calls from a walkie-talkie].

I have a politie thing [a sticker with the police emergency numbers on it -- which Elliot seems to consider to be a sort of badge officially identifying him as a member of the police force], so if you want to call me, then push een - een - twee. One - one - two. If you want to call me, then push 1 - 1 - 2. But if I don't hear you, then don't let me... Do you want to talk to me now? Cause I'm available. I'm wearing a politie hat. I got it from politiedag because I winned [knocked over a pyramid of cans with a foam ball]. And I got a drawing [coloring page] 'cause I winned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your "Politiedag" sounds like it was a lot of fun!!! Your hat is really neat and I'd like to see your "badge" (or sticker) sometime.
Oh, and I'm glad you were wearing your soccer shirt that day!
Hey, see you later, Alligator!
I love you!

Blogger Eric said...

Well, I was scared at the politiedag because there were bad guys. But they were just pretend bad guys. They had blackish-bluish shirts, so I thought they were bad. I don't know what to say anymore...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elliot! I am glad you are not a bad guy! The politie knew that, I am glad that they didn't take you with them! In Holland we say: de politie is je beste vriend. Voor jou is het je beste vriendin! Leuke foto. See you sunday maybe!


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