What did you get for Koninginnedag?
I got some guys. I got a Spiderman; he can roll.
And Malooshka [a.k.a. Zorro]; he can fly up in the air... And he has a sword, so he can do battle... Spiderman changed his name into Malooshka, because he thinks he's cool.
And Lord of the Beans; he's the guy goes to the church to help the guys do the battle.
And Basketball Man; he's the guy that gives them directions to do the battle. He looks kind of sad because he's got yellow underwear.
And Fireman; the Fireman saves people. Everybody is my favorite, but I really like Fireman.
[From foreground/right to background/left: Malooshka, Lord of the Beans, Basketball Man, Fireman, and -- on the ground in front of them --Spiderman]